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Any legal experts on here

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Long story short...

A local farmer who thinks he owns all green fields in our area and hates us flying from a friends field that borders his land (even though we're miles away from his house and any live stock etc) has suddenly started using a 12 gauge shotgun shooting at God only knows what on his land when we're taking off or coming in to land in a pathetic attempt to intimidate us.

I don't for one minute think he's firing at us, but my question is this...

I'm sure I read somewhere that it is an offence to use a firearm in the vicinity of any aircraft (for obvious reasons).

I've google searched the issue but not found anything useful.

Anyone able to quote me an Act / section of law that I can pin to his gate if this behaviour continues?


D x


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Oh it's his land he's on - he stands there glaring at us for most of the time from his side of the fence. On a few occasions now he's started firing as we're setting up, taking off and landing. From behind his hedge we can't actually see what he's shooting at - as I said after a few verbal arguments about what he thinks we can and can't do, he's got a little pathetic about it all.

His land or not, I'm sure I read somewhere that using a firearm near any aircraft was an offence. I haven't involved the local Plod yet.


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If there is a road or footpath within 50 yards of where he was shooting then that could be considered an offence if he was causing distress and alarm etc.

You could phone up the firearms enquiry officer for his area and let him know, as a shooter myself I think it's very poor to use a legally held firearm to alarm or intimidate someone. His feo would be interested.

He may just be shooting pigeons or rabbits, or your take off field may be near pheasant release pens,or he may be concerned about his livestock and livelihood remember that if you are using that field greater than 25 days per year you need planning permission and he could complain that your friend was causing a noise nuisance etc and he could be fined.

There 2 sides to this

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Pretty much as per the last (nforster) reply, within 50 yds of a road is a no no.

As for the "vicinity of an aircraft" bit, our Firearms Licensing think that relates to not being able to use a firearm within 2 miles of an airport, and pretty sure this would not constitute an airport.

A visit to the local nick should enable you to get contact details for the local firearms licensing bod, and a word in his ear may be all it takes.

The C.A.A. may be better placed to comment on the "vicinity of an aircraft"

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As above. :-)

I just had my call back. Any complaint to the local firearms certificate issuer (not officer) will result in an immediate 'suitability review' which would most likely end in a loss of licence.

A complaint to the Police (as in a 999 call) of intimidating behaviour with a shotgun will likely result in a criminal prosecution.

He is not allowed to use his shotgun if there is a risk or report of a breach of the peace.


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As above. :-)

I just had my call back. Any complaint to the local firearms certificate issuer (not officer) will result in an immediate 'suitability review' which would most likely end in a loss of licence.

A complaint to the Police (as in a 999 call) of intimidating behaviour with a shotgun will likely result in a criminal prosecution.

He is not allowed to use his shotgun if there is a risk or report of a breach of the peace.


This is not strictly true, the farmer/ landowner is obviously allowed to shoot any legal quarry or shoot clays or targets on his land, the fact that someone else does not like this is not a breach of the peace, it is only if he were to make threats or shoot in the direction of the other party that he would be considered to be committing an offence.

The 50 yard rule only applies to public acces ie centre of road or footpath.

The question of suitability is also false, every UK citizen has the right to have a shotgun, it is for the police to find reason why they should not grant a license ( previous custodial sentence, medical issues, previous concerns )

Remember my point re 25 days- this applies to all the fields your friend has not just the one you are using. Your farmer may report a breach to planning.

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As above. :-)

I just had my call back. Any complaint to the local firearms certificate issuer (not officer) will result in an immediate 'suitability review' which would most likely end in a loss of licence.

A complaint to the Police (as in a 999 call) of intimidating behaviour with a shotgun will likely result in a criminal prosecution.

He is not allowed to use his shotgun if there is a risk or report of a breach of the peace.


This is not strictly true, the farmer/ landowner is obviously allowed to shoot any legal quarry or shoot clays or targets on his land, the fact that someone else does not like this is not a breach of the peace, it is only if he were to make threats or shoot in the direction of the other party that he would be considered to be committing an offence.

The 50 yard rule only applies to public acces ie centre of road or footpath.

The question of suitability is also false, every UK citizen has the right to have a shotgun, it is for the police to find reason why they should not grant a license ( previous custodial sentence, medical issues, previous concerns )

Remember my point re 25 days- this applies to all the fields your friend has not just the one you are using. Your farmer may report a breach to planning.

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I thought it was 28 days a year, not 25?

We're lucky enough to have a few fields we use in various locations so as not to annoy locals etc. I think we flew from this particular field 10 times last year so we're ok on that front.

There's no public roads or footpaths near where he was shooting from and although he's clearly an idiot, we do avoid flying directly over his property if wind direction allows etc. The farm house is quite a distance from the field we use that borders his land and there's no livestock nearby either.

As a farmer, of course he's going to have a shotgun and occasional cause to use it.....it just seems a bit of a coincidence that it only seems to come out when we're flying, and then only along the border of the field we use and his land.

I think you chaps are right - if this behaviour continues we'll put a call into the local licensing officer and ask him to have a word in his 'shell like'.

Thanks guys.


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As above. :-)

I just had my call back. Any complaint to the local firearms certificate issuer (not officer) will result in an immediate 'suitability review' which would most likely end in a loss of licence.

A complaint to the Police (as in a 999 call) of intimidating behaviour with a shotgun will likely result in a criminal prosecution.

He is not allowed to use his shotgun if there is a risk or report of a breach of the peace.


Being a hunter before flying a Paramotor, I know a little about the law, you guys are wrong about the 50 yards rule, the Law states you CAN use a firearm WITHIN 50ft of a highway so long as doing so does NOT cause distress or endanger those people using the highway, any intimidating behaviour where a firearm is used i would call the police. It doesn't matter whether he is on his land or not, if you feel threatened call 999 he will get locked up and loose his shotgun certificate. I have no sympathy for idiotslike him and if I saw anybody pointing any firearm in my general direction whether flying or not I would call the police.

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