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car over glider

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a crazy green peace lady drove over my glider, i was flying legally, practicing aprroach and landings on a flat sandy area at a river mouth. I landed and walked back with the glider over my shoulder when a women in a SUV started circling me, screaming and swearing about birds. I just walked away, she then circled close and closer and then came straight at me at about 60km/h. I jumped out of the way but she ran over my bunched up glider.

I cant see any visible damage but what should I look out for? should I get all the lines replaced? The sand was soft but hard enough to drive on.

(I did report it to the police and have 2 witnesses)

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Bummer... :-(

Personally, I would wait out for the Police to do there job (which they seem to be rather good at in NZ) :-)

And then I would find a nice glossy 'wing catalogue' buy a new wing and bill her insurance company.

In the UK we have a couple of companies that specialise in inspecting wings... any such thing over there?

Good luck either way dude.


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