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Digifly Archemede

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Pick out a couple of functions that you do understand and get used to it. Then one by one tackle the more advanced features.

These things can do so much and half the functions you'll never use anyway. So it's best not even to look at those functions until you are completely aufait (spelling Alan K?) with the basics. :)

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Sorry but swap it for one you do understand is just stupid... no matter which one I bought, I would have to learn about it...and if we all had that attitude we would still be sucking dummies whilst go ga ga ga.

My brain is quite capable of learning new things...here seemed a sensible place to ask i.e. "swat up on it" - quite clearly you dont know the answer to my question, but thanks for your wonderful input into the thread.

Ok lets rephrase the question.

I'm quite comfortable with the altitude and ascent/descent rate functions on my Vario, but it does a lot more. Has anyone else on here got one who knows more about the raft of functions and which ones may be of interest to me as a paramotor rather than a paraglider pilot.

Yes I can read up on mccready, speed to fly, thermal sniffers.... etc etc... but many of these are probably more aimed at the paraglider market? btw - thats a question....

No doubt some are useful to me, some not so much.... just curious.

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Sorry but swap it for one you do understand is just stupid... no matter which one I bought, I would have to learn about it...and if we all had that attitude we would still be sucking dummies whilst go ga ga ga.

My brain is quite capable of learning new things...here seemed a sensible place to ask i.e. "swat up on it" - quite clearly you dont know the answer to my question, but thanks for your wonderful input into the thread. .

Its not so stupid if I was assuming the unit and the instructions you have were the part that was causing the problem..badly written manuals and poorly designed software interfaces can also be to blame..and thats the direction I was coming from :)

How could I possibly comment or remark on the level of your intelligence/stupidity having never met you... :wink: Dont be so quick to assume the comment was directed at you ..it wasnt.

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Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce Mr 'fight Club'.

Just back from a sellout tour of weddings and flying fields near you.... :D:roll:

And do not lend him any money!!

Stop being a troll and get back to making Pies. Oh and if you want me to teach you how to land next time let me know ..LOL :lol:

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Hi wratty

What is it you do not understand?? it is a fairly basic Vario...

you should have 3 atlimeters on it one is set to the presure of the day one is hieght above take off the other is hieght above sea level.

there are also Vario settings these will be for how quickly you want the Vario to sound IE 100 150 feet per minute... If your starting out you will not really need these functions so bet to set them to around 300 400 FPM.. you wont hear it with the motor anyway..

you can also set the tone personal prefrence..

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