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Cyprus advice needed...


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Well this is rapidly turning into a PITA.

I am off to Cyprus to work for a couple of years & the Paramotor will be coming with me (well come on, who wouldn't?).

However getting it out there is proving to be a bit of a problem & I could really use some advice.

I could throw it in a car & drive out there (stopping off for a couple of flights along the way), however importing/keeping the car there is stupidly expensive & tied up in masses of Cypriot red tape, so that option isn't really workable. Getting a vehicle ferry to Cyprus isn't exactly easy either.

I could fly it out there, but excess baggage is extortionate. Still could be do able, maybe with some form of cheat/blag?

I could freight it out there but that's not exactly cheap either (quotes coming in £4-500 - I could virtually send a car out for that & it will take 2-3 months to get it out there). There are faster freighting options, but insured value of contents is £50!

Anyone know of any good shipping agents that could do it cheaper or are there any other options that I haven't thought about yet? Any advice would be appreciated before I end up pulling my hair out?

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Hi Steve,

How are you?

Jude will be taking on the dogs whilst I'm away. Gonna miss them though, but they don't like heat so it wouldn't be fair to take them.

Tried the Herc route, turns out that they have MORE red tape than anyone else. Would need to get it professionally packaged, de-gassed, millions of forms & it would only go on if they had space. It could sit in the UK for months!

I'm not taking a hacksaw to it! It will only pack down to a certain size. Tried stowing it on a removals truck, but they really weren't keen on taking it & decided to charge me loads for the priviledge.

Still if Parajet fancy sponsoring me a Zenith I might be able to promote it for them....

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Worst case,

I just got a LOAD of kit sent to me from Palma and its not that bad price wise.

Also sent a load of my Brothers kit to him in Larnica.

Ask Parajet how much they pay to get them sent 'they have a dealer out there'


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