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Hi all,

I've just joined the site and thought i'd introduce myself.

I've been thinking on and off far too long about how i'd like to fly a parametor, so i decided it's time to do something about it, at the moment i know very very little and i'm hoping this site will point me in the right direction to getting started. :D


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I'm going to put something in the relevant section but It looks quite quiet in there so i'll add my question here too.

Can someone point me in the direction of a local club as i'd like to talk to some people and get a better feel for whats ahead. I've bought 'Powered paragliding bible' and hopefully that will answer a lot of questions i've got at the moment.

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Hi MrGman

If you use the west sussex section rather than the east sussex as there are far more active pilots in the area... I am in chichester so not a huge distance... There are allot of good BHPA paragliding Schools in that area only a few offer Paramotor training... Most will try to put you through PG Training first. This is the more expensive way. Some say Better others will disagree.. We use Michel Carnet steve haze and we also pass on people to Dean Eldridge

The best thing you can do is look around for training and equipment do as much research as you can possibly do.

If you would like to pop down to us and have a look at the Bailey V5 have a look on our web site and give us a ring arrange a meeting time..




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Hi Mark,

Thanks for the suggestion, I was beginning to pick up on the fact there seems to be a lot more going on in West Sussex than around me in East Sussex.

I've just bought the 'Powered Paraglider Bible 3' and have been having a good look around the forum.

I've found two places near me for training and yes they both recommend going down the pg training route and then do a ppg extension as such, it is more expensive but I do like the idea of doing it this way unless there is a good reason why not to do this??

I may well give you ring at some point Mark as even though I'm a distance off needing my own equipment I'd like to get a better idea of the costs that lie ahead as this will have a affect on another of my hobbies.


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The only good reason I can think of is the extra time it will take...

We have had a very pants year so far for Paramotoring so god only knows what its been like for Paragliding who get to fly far less often than we do.

I had just sold a company when I started to Paraglide, I had 100% time availability and was learning from a winch and it still took me almost a year!!!


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I know it's a real cliche at the moment but the weather really has been shocking this year, I also enjoy mountain biking, kayaking and climbing and this year has been the quietest year i can remember for the amount of stuff i've done! (admittedly I am a bit of a fair weather pansy :lol: )

Doing the PG and then PPG course will take approximately 12days according to the local training center, I'd like to book it very soon and that way i am hoping i will be set for the summer next year, if we have one that is!!

I haven't spoke to anyone that does a actual PPG course, how many days are given for people that offer these courses?

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It will be interesting to see how long the 12 days takes (more so if they are using hill sites)

Any how..

Welcome to the PMC and the sport :-)

It's AWESOME!!! :-)


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I can 100% guarantee you it will take you more than 12 days!!!! It took me 6months to finish of my CP hangglider rating. :roll: But you will Have a BHPA rating, insurance and will be able to go free flying as well. :lol: You will have to do EP paragliding CP paragliding then convert to PPG 3 days then do the pilot rating.... If you Go PPG you will be Pilot rated in one course one price. then if you want you can go and do a PG converstion In 1/2 days you can...

If it was me i would do a 3 day PG course to get used to the wing do some low flights and get used to the landings then go and Speak to Michel Carnet and do the PPG part with him...

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I'm under no impression that within 12 days of booking any course i'll be flying. The 12 days are split into 3 lots, 5 day EP 5 day CP and 2 day PPG converting. I do also like the idea of PG and in doing some brief research it appears there are wings out there that are suitable for both which makes making the decision of how to go about training even more difficult,

I'm in no rush but am hoping in starting soon I'll be all set for next years summer. :D

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I'm under no impression that within 12 days of booking any course i'll be flying. The 12 days are split into 3 lots, 5 day EP 5 day CP and 2 day PPG converting. I do also like the idea of PG and in doing some brief research it appears there are wings out there that are suitable for both which makes making the decision of how to go about training even more difficult,

I'm in no rush but am hoping in starting soon I'll be all set for next years summer. :D

I started nigh on a year ago and have only 5-6 flights to my name.. injuries (some mine and some other peoples :) ) and weather have conspired to keep me on the ground since November 2011.. be prepared for delays and set backs is all I will say.

On the upside..the first solo flight will blow your mind.. dont tell anyone this, especially not Mr Haze..but I had a litle tear in my eye when I walked away from my first flight I was that overwhlemed. :roll:

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I'm under no impression that within 12 days of booking any course i'll be flying. The 12 days are split into 3 lots, 5 day EP 5 day CP and 2 day PPG converting. I do also like the idea of PG and in doing some brief research it appears there are wings out there that are suitable for both which makes making the decision of how to go about training even more difficult,

I'm in no rush but am hoping in starting soon I'll be all set for next years summer. :D

I started nigh on a year ago and have only 5-6 flights to my name.. injuries (some mine and some other peoples :) ) and weather have conspired to keep me on the ground since November 2011.. be prepared for delays and set backs is all I will say.

On the upside..the first solo flight will blow your mind.. dont tell anyone this, especially not Mr Haze..but I had a litle tear in my eye when I walked away from my first flight I was that overwhlemed. :roll:

I told you Darren, the leg straps were too tight!! :roll:

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