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Vol-Bivouac, motors on trains, sleeping bags and props

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Having just read the latest Paramotor mag, in particular the article on vol-bivouac, I am hooked on the idea of having a go! :D I'm thinking about flying to the coast starting at sunrise and flying as long as conditions allow :D

Would be interesting to hear any stories of long distance xc's with a bit of camping thrown in.


Has anyone ever had success taking kit on the train ?( I'm sure I have read something about this before but not sure where)

Fuelling without a removable tank (macro) short of taking a fuel can with me I can't think of a way around it.

Anyone ever tied kit to the macro? solutions?

Tom :D:D

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I enquired last year about taking my motor on the train. Virgin told me that no petrol engines were allowed on trains.

I carried out a 150 mile XC in one direction earlier this year. I ended up leaving my kit with a farmer and got the train back home. I then had to drive back the next day to collect my gear. Less than ideal, but all part of the adventure!

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If you can carry a ruck sack big enough to put the motor in then just take it on the train. I know of a few that do this no probs.

A smallish ruck sack put on backwards (on your front) before you get in to the harness.

Put the sleeping bag in the back of the harness.

Dont take a tent just a large piece of thin rip stop sprayed with a good water proof spray on it and some plastic tent pegs then just put it over your motor and peg it down.

You can get collapsable fuel containers now, but only supposed to be used once.

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Hey Tom,

You may also consider the possibility of modding your fuel lines with quick-release connectors so that you can take your fuel tank out quickly to take it to local petrol station. Obiviously with the Parajet, you will need to take hex-keys with you to be able to actually remove the tank as well.

I also made up a webbing 2-stroke bottle carrier, which straps onto the frame.

Depending on where you have your reserve located, you could strap items to the arms of the Paramotor.

Like Pete says, forget the tent (unless you have a teeny tiny one). Use a small tarp or something instead. Just remember you need to have some form of insulation between you and the ground. A roll mat is going to be too bulky, so you could get something like this:


It would pack away small enough to go in the harness pockets. You might want a couple of poles, (if there is no where else to string it up to) but they could easily be strapped to the cage without impeding airflow or being in the way of your lines etc.

The hammock was just a thought - and I'm not saying this is the best way, but I'm looking to get one of those myself.

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Well.. I've not managed to do any paramotor camping this year and the weather is only going to get worse now. So I will have to keep planing (shopping) and have a go next year, unless we get a load more good weather!

Came across this video yesterday, it's quite a good set up (even if he is slightly annoying :shock: )



On my shopping list so far I have:

A Vango tent at 970 grams http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B004KM4ITI/ref=s9_simh_gw_p200_d0_g200_i1?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=1K9ZPQ4B2TGGA55DERGJ&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=467128533&pf_rd_i=468294,

A matteress thing that packs to the size of a water bottle and weighs in at 550 grams http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B002DZ1VGW/ref=s9_simh_gw_p200_d0_g200_i2?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-3&pf_rd_r=1K9ZPQ4B2TGGA55DERGJ&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=467128473&pf_rd_i=468294

I already have a sleeping bag but that weighs 1.6kg so may look at another 8) and I already have a spirit cooker that's small and light.

I have been trying to plan routes with a petrol station search on google maps, plan being to just land as near as possible and walk to the forecourt with the motor on and fill up.

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Bin liner idea sounds good for disguising the motor... I can just imagine getting dragged of the train by anti terror police though because someone smelt fuel... :shock:

Can't find collapsable fuel containers anywhere and I think removing the tank would be a pain in the arse (but not undoable)

Think I will strap it all to the right hand swing arm as Steve suggested although I've not tried this yet to see if it will work, reserve chucks to the left so cant have anything in the way that side.

Reserve is front mounted too so that rules out a backpack on the front, unless it was very small.

Tom :D

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Hi Tom, I also have been wanting to do this, but it just hasnt happened yet. I have what I thought was fairly light kit but after watching Dell I realise I'm nowhere near! I see he used one of those yellow inflateable sleeping mats, I wonder how warm they are compared to the thermarest self inflating foam filled one that I have. Just off now to look into the sleeping bag he used.



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