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An Unusual Request

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I have been asked by Haydock Park Racecourse to film a circuit of their track with my GoPro HD from my paramotor. They want to put the short film on their website and use it for promotional material.

Without going into loads of detail, they want me to fly around the track, low level, going over hedges! The track would be closed and no public would be on site.

I did ask why they don't just put a camera on a jockey's helmet but they said they have already tried this and the footage is too 'jumpy'.

Although I would be happy enough to do this, I feel that I would be breaking a considerable amount of rules and then for them to be viewed by the public. I'm not so sure it's a good idea to get involved.

I would be interested to hear peoples opinions on doing this before I accept the role/challenge! Haydock does have a landing strip in the centre of the track, if this makes a difference.

I would not be paid for this, I am doing it for a family friend who is involved with Haydock.

Any thoughts?

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I could commentate and it would go something like this out in front we have Flat top Dave on his awesome mount (words by kind permission of super dell) followed by a pair of nice paps which are now hogging the limelight, further down we have G string 6 but he is about to be Freshbreezed past by a dirty little Red Head on Flymecc Carbon who has just passed a H/E hardly surprising and cumming up the rear is wait for it ............. Westmore the dirty little bleeder with his compact Ha Ha

This post is purely fictitious and no offence is meant to any of the above just a laugh cheers Alan.

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the question of aerial photography is an interesting one.

the way you describe the flight it would, without question be technically a "commercial" not a "private" flight. (you stated that the purpose of the flight was for promotional material for the racecourse business).

It does not hinge on whether the pilot was paid but what the purpose of the flight was.

That said, far more overtly commercial photography is done on flights that are operated under the rules governing private flights all the time and increasingly from paramotors. A recent shooting of a well known channel 4 reality tv prog included aerial footage of paragliding training that may well end up in the finished show. The pilot was not paid but the flight was clearly not a "private flight".

Interestingly in Sweden a paramorist has obtained a commercial licence (with exemption from much ANO) to conduct aerial photography flights from paramotor.

On the subject of jockey-mounted camera, there is software that takes all the shake out of the video, and PPG mounted video on the flight you propose is likely not to be the smoothest so likely to need post-processing?

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If you can go ahead, I would advise you attach the GOPro to you ankle. I have done this many times, and allows you to fly down close to the action and if you concentrate on keeping your leg still, you will get very stable results.

Check it out from about 4 mins and 30 seconds in. (very close at 4:44)



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