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I watched this video with interest:

As per this paramotoring.org website on air law I quote:

An aircraft (other than a helicopter) must not fly over a congested area;less that 1500 feet above the highest fixed object within 600m of the aircraft, whichever is higher.

Are you really 1500 feet clear of the church at 3.53? Are you even 500 feet clear?

It appears that this air law information has also been ammended to 1000 feet clear so the information supplied is inaccurate.

Secondly, worrying sheep with a paramotor doesn't seem to do anything positive for our sport and is totally irresponsible.

In conclusion this video displays what can only be seen as a joyride over a congested/built up area and over livestock which can only damage our sport.

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Hello Parapilot09.

Thanks for your input regarding the above video, but a huge assumption has been made by you that I was in it or anything to do with it.

To the very best of my knowledge no PMC instructor and /or student of had / has anything to do with this video. so please be clear of your facts before a post like this.

Also, it is considered nice to introduce yourself.... people will tend not to take your posts with any seriousness unless they know who is posting them.

Again, thanks for your input. Welcome to the PMC :-) So.... What's your name?


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On another quite interesting note.....

I met a sheep farmer on Dartmoor a few weeks ago.

He is coming to learn how to fly in the summer.


So that he can use it to gather his sheep. :-)

To be honest I would have always assumed that is scares the crap out of them.... but I suppose no more than a quad and a couple of dogs.

In the past I have also been asked to move deer out of the wrong field and into the correct one (by the national trust) . This is very hard indeed! but the first EFFECTIVE way they have used.

Dan Burton just spent a month herding deer with his paramotor...and a quick search of google shows loads of other examples.


A sheep farmer will know when it's OK to scare them a little and when it's vital that they stay calm (which is most of the time)....

Just interesting that they ARE being used for exactly that reason already this close to home.


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How do you keep your boots that clean at this time of year ??

..Ps About the sheep worrying....Being Welsh I chase sheep all the time :shock: I have to buzz the field to clear them out of the way and even then some of them wont move .. they get use to you flying around (Although with the new Lambs around at the moment you have got to be gentle)....untill they too understand why your there..... :?

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Ok Simon, it seems I put 2 and 2 together and got 5 and I apologise for wrongly assuming it was you in the video.

Never the less, I will stand by my comments that the airmanship displayed and the publication of the video on you tube and the like via this forum has the potential to be damaging to the sport and gives the vast majority of us sensible law abiding pilots a bad name as well.

I'm a British paragliding instructor and tandem pilot living in New Zealand.

I am looking at returning to the UK for the summer and seriously considering taking up paramotoring there as I will be living mostly in Cornwall where paragliding sites are somewhat limited to mostly ridge soaring. I am more interested in high flights and acro.

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I think that this video is absolutely outrageous and should be banned from YouTube :evil: ....in fact I think that any video uploaded at less than 720p should be banned :)

Great content though, apart from the bit at 2:28 where you used one of those horrible editing effects that makes me feel queasy.

Looks like a fun day.

Thanks for posting and keep 'em coming


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Simon and Matt

Simon W is right. The sheep will most probably get used to you.

The vicar and congregation at the church wont have to I hope. And if they do complain about your noisey motor drowning out their church organ, you might have a visit.

I just hope we dont all get tarred with the same brush.

Would also be interested to know if you were self taught or had some formal instruction.

The marshland in the first minute looks fairly wet and boggy. Maybe give it some height over there incase of engine failure.

Sorry if I seem a little critical....but if Dell Schanze had posted the video, several more folk here would've got started too. On the bright side it's probably better from a flying buddy than from the vicar, council, police, caa or coroner.

Have fun and fly safe


ps Might not be a bad idea to remove 3 of your vids from youtube. Save yourself some hassle / embarrassment

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Congested built up area? Did you watch the video? Fields and water everywhere. Yes I was closer than the rules and regs say to an empty church with some already dead people in the field next to it. I bet you go to spec-savers don't you?. As for the sheep, when I landed I went back and spoke to everyone of them and they all said no worries mate, we thought you were going to land so we huddled together out of your way.

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Congested built up area? Did you watch the video? Fields and water everywhere. Yes I was closer than the rules and regs say to an empty church with some already dead people in the field next to it. I bet you go to spec-savers don't you?. As for the sheep, when I landed I went back and spoke to everyone of them and they all said no worries mate, we thought you were going to land so we huddled together out of your way. You can wonder all you like about my flying experience and who has taught me. Eat my shorts.

Dude, your youtube videos categorically prove that you are nothing short of an irresponsible moron. You have proved that you have no regard for CAA air law and your actions are potentially damaging to all those who enjoy our sport responsibly.

I am not going to respond to any further posts from you. If you don't know you are doing something wrong then there must be something seriously wrong with you.

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Thanks for the pm Simon. Much more polite than on forum I must say. I note the edit aswell but I actually feel you had a point. Swooping on my cameraman was not my finest bit of flying, even if it was by prior agreement and on private land. Let's just agree to heed each others comments politely and make adjustments where neccessary.

On a light note to finish with.....If your flying habits do cause more regulation meassures, for all, it might not be ME eating your shorts !



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now now :lol: lets all calm down :D:D

There is always going to be people in any sport that bend or disregaurd the rules and some/most who follow the rules..

Its just life... Paramotoring WILL be regulated one day and my money will be on the BHPA taking it on.. For better or for worse...

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