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New Paramotor Concept!!!

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Hi everyone,

Am working on a new paramotor concept and need to conduct some user research. If you are bored at work, or got a minute to spare please download and fill out the questionnaire attached and sent it to this address: archibald.colvin@unn.ac.uk


Thanks for your help!

There has been some problems editing the document for some people. You should be able to "save as text" in abode reader. You can then send this on to me. Unfortunately the site wont allow me to upload any word document or other format that you can edit, so perhaps you could just put your answers in the email to me. This is not ideal, i know. Sorry!

(Download the linked file and click on the lines to type your answer. Then save it and send it to the address above)


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Hi everyone,

Am working on a new paramotor concept and need to conduct some user research. If you are bored at work, or got a minute to spare please download and fill out the questionnaire attached and sent it to this address: archibald.colvin@unn.ac.uk


Thanks for your help!

(Download the linked file and click on the lines to type your answer. Then save it and send it to the address above)

I have just looked at the form and would say that 90% of the information you ask for has no relevance whatsoever

as regards to a " paramotor concept".???

could you please explain why you need this specific information and what influence it would have on your project.


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I have just looked at the form and would say that 90% of the information you ask for has no relevance whatsoever

as regards to a " paramotor concept".???

could you please explain why you need this specific information and what influence it would have on your project.


Hi Pete,

I am an industrial Designer tackling the paramotor from the angle of usability so it is essential I understand how people interact with the paramotors and what problems they face when using them. The questions will give me a better understanding of the issues accosiated with the paramotors and well lead to a more informed and more user friendly concept.

I hope this answers you question.

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1 of the best things you can do to get an understanding is learn to fly 1 and experience it for yourself

too many desk jocky pilots designing stuff they think is right or good but don't fly themselves

You will be pleased to hear that I do have one and have been flying for about 4 years now. I have conducted a very detailed study on my engine about what I think is wrong with it and have a pretty good idea about what needs to be changed and how. However to ensure that I dont have a narrow minded biased view i need the opinions of others with other engines. That is where you guys come in.

So please help me to help to gain new insight by answering the questionnaire, and with any luck at the end of it we will have something fantastic!

Many thanks

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Average hours flying a month:

What is your typical type of flight. XC, Comp Training, Low flying?


Where do you store your equipment:

Do you store it fully assembled:

Do you store it on the ground or raised up:


Do you have to drive with your equipment to the take-off site:

Do you travel with the paramotor fully assembled:

If no... Cage off (Yes/No) Prop off (Yes/No):

Do you fix your engine down? If so how?


Do you refuel at take off site or before you get there

How do you carry/move your engine. On your back or by the frame:

Do you use any tools in you preflight checks:

Do you ever get butterflies in your stomach before you fly? If so do you think it has anything to do with trusting your equipment?

Do you have a tool kit you take whist you fly? What does it consist of?


Do you use a flight deck:

Where is your reserve mounted:

Do you ever fly with a ‘wrap’ on the brake lines

If so does it ever hurt your hand?

Name you top three hates/niggles about the paramotor:

Name you three favorite features on your paramotor:

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Hi Archie

I've posted a link to your inbox that you might find very usefull. Let me know when you've read it. Hope it's of some use to you. In particular the distances between props and framework and whether either will flex into each other during use, as these seem to have the most expensive and/or injurious consequences.

Good luck with your project. I'd be interested to see what you come up with.



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I Find some of those questions rather odd, what has age got to do with designing a new concept? Height maybe as some machines have a low slung tank which is isn't any good for shorter people.

No offence but after reading the list again it sounds like a shopping list for the CAA or a burglar, why would you want to know where people store their equipment?

One of the main problems with Paramotors is weight yet there's no question like 'How much does your Paramotor weigh'

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I Find some of those questions rather odd, what has age got to do with designing a new concept? Height maybe as some machines have a low slung tank which is isn't any good for shorter people.

No offence but after reading the list again it sounds like a shopping list for the CAA or a burglar, why would you want to know where people store their equipment?

One of the main problems with Paramotors is weight yet there's no question like 'How much does your Paramotor weigh'

Agreed thats why I asked about the questions.

I think it would be better to ask pilots what they would like improved on paramotors rather than a limited set of questions., then take the list and work through it.

Just my take on it. :D

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