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first long flight

Guest leoibb

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did thirty some mile yesterday first long one did it in just under an hour but used a lot of fule prob about six litre i aint heavy on my wing im wondering if it is the carb settings i have a walbro 37 on it , machine starts great no bother revs up no bother so i thought it was ok but six litre seems a lot 125 prop walkerjet simonini . anyone any ideas? as far as i know i should be 4 litre ish an hour six is a little too much , had brand new exhaust on it and yesterday was first time flyin since havin it on but the pipe near then engine has tarnished with the heat, it might mean somethin to you chaps or it might not just thought worth mentioning that too

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And ...... breathe.

I do like to read your input to all the forums Leoibb, but do you think you could put the odd comma or paragraph into them? :?

Regarding the fuel consumption a lot of things affect it:

High flight high consumption

Low flight low

Small wing high (higher speed)

Large wing low (lower speed)

Lighter pilot low

Heavier pilot high

Anyway congratulations on the long flight, I am hoping for longer flights next year.

Safe flying,


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yes sorry , 29 action wing top weight all in for me is 120k wing max 125

it just seemed a lot i wasnt high prob 2000ft aprox 6mph wind behind

just seemed a lot of fuel greedy

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1. Cretin

A Person that is: brainless, stupid, child-like, and full of pointless information that makes no sense and appeals only to other cretins. They can be found in abundance in every single populated internet forum, where they race to post as many mind-numbing messages as possible in a single session.

or is that a bit harsh :D

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1. Cretin

A Person that is: brainless, stupid, child-like, and full of pointless information that makes no sense and appeals only to other cretins. They can be found in abundance in every single populated internet forum, where they race to post as many mind-numbing messages as possible in a single session.

or is that a bit harsh :D

Yes :D

Pete b

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1. Cretin

A Person that is: brainless, stupid, child-like, and full of pointless information that makes no sense and appeals only to other cretins. They can be found in abundance in every single populated internet forum, where they race to post as many mind-numbing messages as possible in a single session.

or is that a bit harsh :D



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well, if i had known that this is a forum of english pronounciations then i would have made more of an effort. i was making sure you can read (MERLIN) before i start confusing you will full stops and complicated things like sentences and paragraphs. :lol:

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well, if i had known that this is a forum of english pronounciations then i would have made more of an effort. i was making sure you can read (MERLIN) before i start confusing you will full stops and complicated things like sentences and paragraphs. :lol:

Hey Leo, I don't think anyone on this forum minds bad spelling and poor grammar slipping into posts. Unfortunately, while you understand exactly what you are saying (well you would I guess), without some attempt at punctuation, the meaning of what you are trying to say, can become distorted to the extent that it seems you are saying the complete opposite of what you want.

The only reason my own spelling comes anywhere near, is because I run a permanent spool chucker on all my postings, and sometimes I have to try really hard with grammar too. Please don't take it as an affront, people are genuinely interested in what you have to say, and we all want to make sure that we get the gist of your postings.

Anyone interested in grammatical excellence, track down a book called 'Eats Shoots and Leaves'.

PS, Leo, check your messages.

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.. thirty some mile yesterday .. in just under an hour but used six litre..as far as i know i should be 4 litre ish an hour six is a little too much.. pipe near then engine has tarnished with the heat

Was going to ask how you were flying, but I guess you answered that with 48kph. Headwind/Tailwind? Climbing? Crabbing?

Mini2 @ 5krpm = 2.2lph, but @ 48kph you were more than that?

Is your new exhaust like:




Where vacuum scavenging is more efficient as the pipes evolve.

If you went from the first to the last you may need to rejet since you could be pulling in more air then your jets are set to match.

A purple pipe is not uncommon, but generally happens when running on the lean mixture edge for longer periods on a safely (richer rather then leaner) tuned engine.

I didn't log this, so admit an estimation, but my pipe went something like:


I was surprised top see how blue things got, but these correspond to my memory and flight length when I finally got jetted properly. Prior to that I was so rich that the pipe looked new (maybe a light yellow hue). I have since burnt almost 10l in just over an hour climbing through an inversion to 4500feet. Your burn is not outrageous for a fast flight and to climb to 2k while flying that fast, not bad at all I would think.

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hello the original exhauset was the first one which was the one i did 6 ltr in the hour , but since then i have gone on to the third exhaust but havnt had chance to test fuel . i have the second excaaust too which is the best one to use? the third one with the silencer on is the heaviest one

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There is no 'best' to use. Matter of preference and use.

The last with the silencer has the most efficient pulse scavenge (tuning to pull more fuel/air in).

If you have lots of power though, big hairy deal which pipe is more efficient.

My point was that *because* it's more efficient, you could be pulling in more air then fuel, since you didn't change your jets, just your pipe.

This can lead to a lean condition and possibly melting something you are rather fond of and/or depend on to go up and down reliably.

Suggest you have a look at a "chopped" plug color to determine if this need be a concern for you or not.

As an aside, I was told the blue bit (silencer) is actually a 'catalytic-converter' which makes little sense to me, but did drip copious amounts of liquid on my first run-up.

If it was in fact catalytic, I doubt it is now given 2 stroke mixing oil.

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I don't know what's inside it, but you don't generally see silencers with hot spots:


This suggests there's something going on here except muffling.

The end cap to which the Blue sleeve is riveted is heated to purple (guessing mild steel by welds). The original silicone hose quickly split and was replaced with a bit of radiator hose, so the temps inside the "cat" may indeed be caused by something other than direct exhaust gases as I would not expect a radiator hose to stand up well to carrying those temps - which it is.


It doesn't jive that a manufacturer would do this, as you'd expect failure in short order of a traditional cat with all the premixed oil.

Go figger.

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Its a silencer not a cat, the hot spot is caused because the lagging inside has moved or been burnt away.

Take the silencer off remove the rivets pull it apart clean it out and repack it with the proper stuff ,usually fiberglass or similar.

This may also cause a partial blockege causing loss of power ect.

Pete b

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well its interesting , as far as it goes it seems pretty fine , altho noisier than the other exchausts which i find a little stange it almost sounds like a motorx bike exchaust , whether it is a silencer or a cat it blows blue smoke out lol

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