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Notams, Public Pitches

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Hi all,

I'm a brand new enthusiast looking to start my training very soon and I have a couple questions 

I have downloaded the RunwayHD app and looked at my area, I live pretty much next door to Boscombe Down, and don't understand if the Air restrictions stop me from flying here. Can someone explain for me.

I have a sports field near me that has a football, rugby and cricket pitch on it. Am I allowed to launch and land there? What are the rules I'm the UK for using public sports pitches?


Thanks Oz

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You look like you are in the middle of a pretty complex bit of airspace.
North West of you, you have Westbury danger aria (surface to 50,000ft) is marked as having "HG/PG concessions".... You would have to contact local pilots to get the lowdown on what that entails.
To your west you have open airspace up to 8000ft.
South of Salisbury seems pretty open.
To your North and East look like a nightmare.....
If you have any doubts about an airspace, stay out, the sport enjoys a lot of freedom but the repercussion's of messing it up could be terrible.

Pretty sure your field will be restricted all the way down to the surface.
IF it was in the clear regarding airspace, technically, no, you cannot take off from them (Motor vehicle restrictions)
Plus they tend to be built up around them, its risky (engine out / rotor etc) and there will be plenty of people to complain about the shitty noise we produce.

Map - UK Airspace Service (bgaladder.net)

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Thanks for the reply. The pitch has built up areas on 3 sides but out to the west is clear so, wind favouring I could launch out that way and then away from pesky humans across farmland etc, but take your point. Then again landing would be a but erm....with the wind. There is a gliding Airfield at Upavon, I suppose I could ask them if I could use that. Dunno if that could be an issue.

Regarding the airspace I suppose I can wait until I'm at the flight school in Swindon to get their opinion. I'm pretty sure they will know.

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I have one I have my eye on that is open on one side.
I have used it a few times to land on after camping out... (The rules for landing are a little more relaxed)
Landing in small arias it quite doable once you have plenty of experience.

Upavon Airfield might accommodated you "IF" you are launching and disappearing from the aria and staying away from their local ridge lift arias.
Its inside one of the Danger Arias but a short hop north has you in open airspace.

There's no harm in getting a feel for your local airspace so that your instructor will have less to do in double checking your grasp.
Looks like you have some nice countryside down there to explore :)

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