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noobie undecided

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Hi all I'm glad I found this forum everyone seems to be knowledgeable and very friendly.  So this is me I was originally looking at getting my nppl (m) and flying 3 axis after becoming hooked on flying after watching several American YouTubers doing back country flying and then finding British microlight youtubers like Rory on air and Ben Atkinson. I've got a couple of schools local to me so it wouldn't be a problem budget is my biggest problem and I realised that to keep current without owning my own microlight it would probably cost me about £250 min a month plus fuel  to keep the hours required, which  is more than I can stretch to atm. Also a big problem is the fact that in not particularly light ( I weigh about 112kg ( planning to try and loose a fair bit this year ) andd most microlights have a weight limit well below my weight and beyond what might be achievable by me. I then Came across Giles (Golf Foxtrott 22) doing his conversion to a nano trike. And now I've sort of moved on to watching paramotoring vids and have watched Paranoob's training series amongs others. Now I am thinking that actually the freedom provided by PPG is more for me I have friends with land I would probably able to use and I have contacts in the farming world. I also have a school not too far away that provides PPG  training via the BHPG syllabus.  Is my weight going to be a problem I saw a YouTube series of a guy much older than me and I would say probably heavier than me. Sorry if this post doesn tflow well I'm typing this on my phone not my PC so it's not as easy to edit as I go.

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Hi Ben, PPG is certainly the cheapest form of powered flight and the most accessable,  your weight isn't going to be an issue as long as the equipment is suitable, I've trained guys around that weight, where are you based? I run a BHPA school in Crewe Cheshire drop me a PM if you would like details 

Thanks Danny

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Hi Ben, I am 120kg and have no issues with kit. Although I’m a large lad I am active and relatively fit considering, which is the most important part. You will spend day after day running around a field to start with so as long as you have the legs for it you will be fine

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