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Moster 185 Plus Problems


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Sorry morgy but unless a new law has recently passed its " If you purchased the goods after 1 October 2015 theConsumer Rights Act applies."

Repair or replace

If you are outside the 30-day right to reject, you  have to give the retailer one opportunity to repair or replace any goods or digital content which are of unsatisfactory quality, unfit for purpose or not as described. 

You can state your preference, but the retailer can normally choose whichever would be cheapest or easier for it to do.

If the attempt at a repair or replacement is unsuccessful, you can then claim a refund or a price reduction if you wish to keep the product.

You're entitled to a full or partial refund instead of a repair or replacement if any of the following are true:

  • the cost of the repair or replacement is disproportionate to the value of the goods or digital content
  • a repair or replacement is impossible
  • a repair or replacement would cause you significant inconvenience
  • the repair would take an unreasonably long amount of time.

If a repair or replacement is not possible, or the attempt at repair fails, or the first replacement also turns out to be defective, you have a further right to receive a refund of up to 100% of the price you paid, or to reject the goods for a full refund.

If you don't want a refund and still want your product repaired or replaced, you have the right to request that the retailer makes further attempts at a repair or replacement.

Use our step-by-step guide if you want to ask a retailer to repair or replace something you've bought that subsequently develops a fault. 

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Simon -  I don't really agree it is a little mountain out of a mole hill 'for me' anyway.

But I do fully agree that Parajet will sort it out or send it off.  Either way, I'll get a lot more care than I would do from an oversea company (in my opinion)


It is still my New motor and I would like the problem fixed as soon as possible please.


No more nasty comments until the problem can't be resolved by us guys. :-)  ;-)


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Parajet are a reliable and well estabilished company and i'm sure they will fix or resolve the problem, but like i said before if it was my motor i would have a totally different view and thats not in a Nasty comment way, 

Only good side at the minute is the weather is crap so you're not missing much flying 9_9.


I'll sit down and be silent now on this subject :P.

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My commnmts were in no way having a go At P jet, I am a Parajet dealer after all and have had nothing but good service from them, Saying that I am in many ways like simon, I don't take any BS if there is a problem it needs sorting and sorting fast!!   

Kiwi, I am not a lawyer and i was going from experience of a local guy who had a simo in a CZ made Paramotor.. He had many issue with His starter breaking constantly, then the belts would shred every 5 hours, He had too send it back every time,  Are EU consumer rights different?  His issues did end up in small claims court, Even tho he bought it form a Uk dealer he had too  allow them to fix every issue 3 times for it to be deemed as not fit for purpose,  Long story short, he never got all of his money back as he had played with it buy trying to fix it but was compensated... Maybe the laws have changed??  this was around 2009

We all know how frustrating problems are especially on a new machine or buying spares in the UK, One big reason i started up Sussex Paramotors!  

Anyway Back to Asquaddie's topic Hopefully this will be a distant memory very soon. 

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Just a quick update on the motor.

Parajet's arranging picking the motor up tomorrow.

Going to have a look inside, put it on a test bed again and someone will take it for a fly before being sending it back to me.

Let's hope it's back before the fly-in.

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morgy yes to EU consumer rights, yes to changing of law since 2009, and if the idiot played around with item when still under guarantee, bloody lucky he got any compensation refund, most firms are very helpful when a problem occurs and not looking for bad customer complaints, as bad publicity is not good at all especially if its a small company.

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I was not saying that the spark absence was the reason for hydro lock. But the absence of the spark can cause it no doubt... 

The reason for missing spark is the shortcircuit inside the throttle handle. I had it with three handes. Lucky enough.. :D

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Sorry for not being clear with my post - I just meant that the throttle handle and particularly the engine kill button can cause the spark absence. I am not saying anything at this point what was the reason for this blocking (seizure) you are describing. Eventually the button in my throttle handle was replaced by Vitorazzi distributor and I was told that I was not the only one with this problem.. Hope the guys will found what was the issue with you engine. 


Edited by Ivan
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  • 5 months later...

Ye, sorry.  It just shows you only put bad/moaning news in the forums and it is very rare you write good stuff down.

Well, only the gods will really know what is wrong.  

Every time the motor goes back to Parajet it is perfect - no problems at all. They test it on the ground,  even  Tom  had a flight on it (I think Parajet have  clocked up more hours on my machine than I have lol ).  At home I still have all the problems.  

Well, after further investigation and plenty of talking to Dan at Parajet ( once again credit to the team) it appears that they only use 100ml to 5l mix in all the motors they test/fix. And at home I’ve been using 125ml to 5l as per the instructions. I’m using TTS, not sure what Parajet is using, I guess not the same).

Well, in the end I asked Dan to write an email to me and tell me to us the 100ml mixture.  It was still under warranty and I did not want to blow a hole.

Now for the goods news, I took it to the field and put 100ml in and it was great and since then I’ve had plenty of hours in it and never had a problem (I guess it is slight cheaper too :-) )

I can’t explain why, in fact really, I’ve never had a problem as long as I put 100ml into 5l it works ‘sweet as a nut’.  I think as to date my longest flight is 130 minutes.

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  • 3 years later...

So I just rebuilt my carb on my moster 185 plus.. I went super slow and I thought I did everything correctly, as I followed the vittorazi video on YouTube and did exactly as they did. The first time I went to prime the engine, the primer bulb pushed fuel to the carb but the primer bulb would not tighten up and then allow me to push the primer button to let a little fuel in.

I believe its pushing fuel straight into the carb. Thoughts on what  I did wrong and what could remedy the situation?

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