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arthurmoto1 last won the day on April 26 2022

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  1. This one is real deal! We have hunting today.
  2. And I hope you know that putin - HUYLO!!! La-la-la!
  3. Thanks a lot to many common people all over the world that help us so much! But shame on NATO, UNO that do nothing. Be aware they will not fight in emergency even for their members. The war shows us how many countries are not honest especially Germany! They lies but actually they are with russia like it was in 1939. Many people in West Ukraine, Poland, Chechia help us but there are many that just make money on our wifes and children! I wish them to appear in the same situation as we have. And I wish PAINFULL DEATH to everybody in russian army!!!
  4. But we are strong and more than 100000 common people joined our army. As we are with my friend. So we have a time from 6.00 P.M. till 6.00 A.M. we are on duty than we need to sleep. But after all we have 3 hours we decided to spend on engine building. We have idea to build this engine during the war and to call it Freadom-180.
  5. Hi everybody! We are still alive but 13000 russians are not. We definitely will beat the second army of the world. I have to say that USA and Europe and NATO are weak and they leave us along with russia. Airplanes are bombing us everytime. I was near the falling avia bomb twice and I saw how nothing remained of the whole building of school.
  6. OK friends! Sorry for offtopic but we have the first day of the war. I live in Zhitomir, the town with 300000 population not far from Kiev, Ukraine. At 5.30 A.M. I was woken up by fallen rockets. Our beloved airport was destroyed. And rockets and bombs were fallen the whole morning in many-many places all over the country. I am proud of our military forces that stopped russian army almost everywhere. I have two days ahead to finish deals and to join our army. Talk to your friends and neighbours and tell the truth that we are fighting for our friedom against one of the most powerful army in the world. And 400 of their corps will become a good fertilizer for our agriculture. This was day 1.
  7. Oops! Some trouble. It seems we have to kill Putin before assembling the engines. So wait for some delay. Russia is going to invade in Ukraine during next days and we are waiting for this to have good possibility to kill`em all!
  8. https://www.facebook.com/dmitriy.karnauhov.1/videos/1332186810626561
  9. https://paramotors.xcontest.org/world/en/ranking-national-teams/ #26 Ukraine. This is our 178 cc engine, first attempt.
  10. Hi! Thanks God I`m better than before COVID. 178 cc engine project is finished. Everything is nice and we are starting very limited production of this engine for our friends. The heart of the engine - https://www.sip-scootershop.com/en/product/racing-cylinder-parmakit-178-cc_PA576080 Three brand new cylinder kits have arrived some days ago. Now we are looking for less expensive manufacturer of crankcases. 250 cc engine is a beast and the plan is to use it and to win in championship this year. So we have some weeks ahead to eliminate all bugs from the construction.
  11. Everything is OK with this 250ccm engine except exhaust breakage. Brand new prototype 16 sq.m. wing + 250 ccm 50 HP engine.
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