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  1. You are right, a full tank of 15 litres is 10.5kg, instead of 15kg. that's awesome so my total is allitle bit lower. I know most flights you will not fill up all the way, but for cross country you would fill up to the top... I like to calculate maximum possible weight scenario . Makes sense to me. Ill edit the comment.. thanks.
  2. hi guys , there isn't anybody anywhere that explains the weight range and how to choose a wing properly... Can someone check to see if i calculated correctly... thanks The weight range quoted above is PG weight range. is that without a motor ? If you look at the chart for the roadster 3 there is a PPG weight range and PG weight range... Calculating weight.. if i missed something let me know.... Pilot weight( fully geared up for winter flying) + paramotor weight + fuel ( full tank?) + wing weight + instruments + reserve ..... I heard that you should never load up a wing all the way to max, always 70-80% loaded... is this correct? for example Pilot =85kg Air conception with tornado 280 , Dry = 22kg Fuel full 15lt tank = 10.5kg (fuel density 0.7kg/l) Instruments + clothes (winter) = 10kg wing ( roadster 3) = 5.6kg reserve = 2 kg Paragliding harness ( without motor) = 3kg ( ozone ozium 2) Total weight when PPG : 135.1kg Total weight when PG : 105.6kg If i look at the chart for the roadster 3, i would be just at the max for PPG weight for the roadster 26, (135.1kg of 140) and for PG i would be over the 100kg mark at 105.6kg ... Would it be wise to go for the larger 28m wing? are these calculations correct, or am i way off...?
  3. Hmmm that makes sense. I realise it will not be made to cover every scenario. ( upside down, line twist etc) i have seen heaps of crashes online where no reserve was deployed and there was a hard crash, not fatal just serious injuries. everytime the airbag could have softened the fall, considerably. It could be tethered to a shoulder strap , a quick pull while coming down, even while holding the brake lines. Also I was thinking of automatic deployment right after a reserve is deployed. As a secondary way to deploy. i dont know, it seems like a viable safety device which would not add that much weight. And could help allot of injuries. Anyway thanks for the advice.
  4. Fair enough , lets say there is a system in place where accidental deployment would not happen. Any other reasons why it would not work?
  5. Hi What do people think of deployable airbags that inflate underneath the paramotor frame, similar to this design. https://xcmag.com/news/swing-survey-arus-airbag-reserve/ I wonder why SWING.de hasn't finished it for production.. Has any company thought of making one? I have seen allot of crashes on youtube where a deployed air bag system could have helped, leading to less injury for the pilot. Especially when partial inflation of reserve or when pilots do not have enough time to deploy reserve. An airbag system could be underneath and infront of the pilot, in a bag which clips on , this could help with front collisions. ? Any thoughts? is it a silly idea?
  6. I was sent home today, by the carabinieri kiting my wing 100 metres from home in the park across the road. I live in Italy. Back to walking the dog.
  7. I have not read many negative reviews on Polini Thor 250. Ill look into it. I guess this leaves me with 2 options, Scout with moster185 (proven and rock solid) or a more powerful Air conception with tornado 280cc. Aviator ppg seem to have dropped Air Conception ( is this because of the tornado and nitro motors?) and their videos seem to praise the vittorazi moster 185 matched with the parajet maverick... this is stressful, and i wan to make the right decision.
  8. Also what are people thoughts on the Parajet Maverick, with the polini thor 250...? AC or Parajet?
  9. Also one more thing to add, I contacted SWING in germany. i asked them about their paramotor wings, and if they will be incorporating their RAST design into them, They said yes they would and it should be available this year for paramotors. Anybody have any experience with Swing gliders with RAST technology. And would it be a smart move over a Ozone Roadster 3. this is the reply from SWING.de "We intend to present the first ppg glider with RAST within this year. Due to the coronavirus I cannot give an exact launching date, but as soon as we will go back to normal we will deal this with top priority. The glider will be a beginner dual purpose wing, suitable for free flying as well as ppg flying. It is based on our new Miura RS http://swing.de/miura-rs-en.html, modified with trimmer risers. It is planned to give owners of a Miura RS the possibility to upgrade their glider for ppg flying. So if you can stand waiting until the corona issue has come to an end we will have something to offer for you soon." i think i might wait for it , instead of a roadster 3...any thoughts? i would also love to paraglide with my wing in the future, and would prefer to use the same wing..
  10. Thank you for the reply. I have made my decision , i will be taking your advice. i wanted a scout carbon with a vitorazzi moster 185cc...but not anymore. I did some calculations at sea level the moster 185 has 25hp and at 1000m 22.5hp and 3000m 17.5hp... Not to mention the scout is heavier than most paramotors ( does anybody know how much a carbon scout weighs? with a moster 185cc). I have been researching on this forum, i think i will go for a Air conception with a tornado 280cc.. Is it really the lightest and most powerful rig available now.? (that is tested extensively and reliable). At sea level the tornado 280cc has 33hp, and at 1000m 29.5hp and at 3000m 23hp ( basically the same as a vitorazzi at sea level) . Regarding the prop, i will definitely ask the advice of air conceptions. i was thinking a 3 blade eprop, as apparently they are super smooth. thankyou again.
  11. Hi everyone. I got my PPG pilots licence last year and I am very close to having the funds for my first paramotor rig. I live in the Italian dolomites and my launch site is just down the road from my house.The elevation is 1000m and my usual flight path will be atleast between 1500m and 3000m ( Tre Cime Dolomites) I will be flying with experienced pilots that live in my home town. Last time I spoke with them they told me "go as light as possible"... I weigh 85 - 90kg and will be purchasing a OZONE roadster 3. I was thinking of a Scout, or parajet frame. My question is what Engine would people recommend ? Would the Vitorrazi moster 185 be enough HP for where I will be doing most of my flying. How much does elevation reduce power of 2 strokes? Should I be looking at a larger cc engine , like a polini thor 250 or a rotron 294. I understand that maybe the larger motors a probably suited to more experienced pilots, but I would like to make one purchase, and make it right the first time. I appreciate any feedback. regards bill
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