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  1. thanks for input, I hooked in lower in my harness and I had more success with getting the wing up. V satisfying. Malc.
  2. Hi, I am way off ready for a motor, but a couple of questions to those in the know. are motors usable with both hi and lo hanging? what are the pro's and con's to each hang point? is one better than the other for a novice? Thanks for any info, Malc
  3. I got one off ebay, buy now price about £50. Postage from America about £25. Came quick, works well. Each carabiner loaded at 500kg Malc.
  4. Thanks for the offer, but I have managed to borrow one already. Regards Malc
  5. Thanks, plenty to think about with all the replies. I have considered new. As a novice, at 80kg could you advise a brand or type (I know its subjective) are they all reflex? what does reflex mean? It would only be for powered flight.
  6. I would like to buy a cheap wing from somebody, just for ground practise. I can't find one -What happens to the old 300+ hour wings? Malc.
  7. thanks, all info welcome. Any brand names for wings?
  8. malc

    best model

    Hi, I am going to take up paramotoring this year.( I,ve had 1 lesson) Could someone advise on the favourite and least favourite makes of motor and wing. I live in S. Yorkshire, weigh 80kg and would consider new or used gear. Anybody got an old wing/harness going cheap for ground practice? thanks in antisipation, malc.
  9. Hi, I am going to take up paramotoring this year.( I,ve had 1 lesson) Could someone advise on the favourite and least favourite makes of motor and wing. I live in S. Yorkshire, weigh 80kg and would consider new or used gear. Anybody got an old wing/harness going cheap for ground practice? thanks in antisipation, malc.
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