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Otso last won the day on February 7 2018

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  1. Ah, I didn't see the monkey in the office but yes, those are the guys that instructed me. Martin is going for a visit to Ireland this spring or early summer by the way so you might not see him if your trip is at that time. They do training in the mornings around 8am for an hour or two and then in the afternoon after 4pm until sunset. At teh day time it's too hot and/or windy. Also many mornings and evenings it was too windy so you'll get often missed sessions due to weather. I didn't count my hours and I was embarassingly slow learning so better that I don't know just how many hours it took... But due to the weather unpredictability etc. you'd need to have at least three weeks worth of days for training, to be on the safe side. Most importantly make sure you talk to them first to see how busy they are with other things like tandem flights etc. In busy season they might not do paramotor training at all. In any case enjoy your trip to Thailand
  2. Great place nice people Daniel and Martin were my instructors... Boy they were so very patient with me! I made same mistakes time and time again but they were always saying "No worries, you'll get there" and, eventually, I managed to fly one solo flight. They took me up with a tandem trike few times to learn how to stear the wing, that is a great experience by itself also as you know
  3. Andy: I went to http://flywithdream.com/ They operate at “Jim’s Airport Pattaya“ -google that and you’ll find the place. Depending how busy they are with other stuff like tandem flights etc. they might or might not run paramotoring courses. Better phone first. Ask “Mr Dream”, funny name but really nice guy.
  4. Hi all, I had a paramotoring course while on holiday in Thailand and had even one solo flight just before I had to fly back to UK Paramotoring is fun so I plan to continue back home in UK. I live in Redditch, just south of Birmingham and am looking for advice on: - What kit should I buy (wing/motor)? - Where to get UK training close to Redditch (to enable joining a local club) - Any clubs/groups in Redditch-Worcester-Evesham general area? On the equipment I have been looking at Spyder + Nitro 200... but they are rather expensive... but they appear rather nice...??? Any helpful advice would be appriciated Otso
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