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Scott D

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  1. I'm just starting in the sport myself as well, but I've been doing a LOT of research. From what I've seen, the closest one for you (that I've found so far) would be Team Fly Halo in Oregon. They seem like a professional group. They sell Scout, Parajet and Miniplane Paramotors along with four different wing brands. You can find them at http://flyhalo.com/ I have a Blackhawk dealer near me in Des Moines, but you have to buy their equipment to get training. And I've heard a lot of bad things about Blackhawk equipment. Their motors seem cheaply built and not very reliable. Another problem is that their torque compensation system is all in the risers, so it limits your choice of wings. Their primary instructor doesn't seem too trustworthy to me either. When I watch his Flight Junkies YouTube videos, he sounds too much like a used car salesman, haha. I'm personally going with Aviator PPG. They are based in Florida but also have affiliates in Austin, Indianapolis (closest to me), and Costa Rica. That probably doesn't help you much though. One thing I can tell you for sure, BOOK EARLY! PPG is exploding in the US thanks to YouTubers like Tucker Gott and Woodysgamertag, so slots are filling up quick. My class doesn't start until August 2018! Edit: After doing a quick search I found https://bozemanparagliding.com/ as well. Haven't heard anything good/bad about them yet, so do your research. There is also several Blackhawk groups in Montana, some of which are closer to you. But you already know my opinion on them! Second Edit: If you are looking for quality training, be prepared to travel! Don't just settle for the closest option!
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