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Posts posted by chrisscammell

  1. Thanks but again, this only tells me what I already know, that trimmers off in un-powered flight is less efficient but faster.

    What I need is information about efficiency in powered flight. When the comp' boys are trying to go as far as possible on a litre of fuel, do they fly with trimmers on or off?

    Max L/D on an unpowered wing is hands up usually. As you add power into the mix it raises the angle of attack. Releasing the trimmers lowers it again. But does trimmers off create more drag, as it changes the wings profile beyond the optimum.

    Then there is speed. Does cruising at 40km/h with trimmers on (clean profile) burn less fuel per mile than crusing at 50km/h trimmers off (reflexed profile)?

    Flying faster creates less induced drag but more parasitic drag. Add that into the mix

    It's not as simple as saying that it's the same as efficiency in unpowered flight. That power changes the angle of attack and makes a difference. The question is WHAT difference?

  2. I would like your opinions on which level of trim on a glider will give the most efficiency i.e mpg. This assuming no wind.

    I am into getting maximum distance per litre of fuel and need to know which speed to fly at. I am flying a high performance free flying wing with a glide of 9:1. I have fitted it with paramotor risers with trimmers.

    Should I be flying hands up or trimmers released to get maximum efficiency?

    My thinking is that the glider is 'cleanest' at hands up trim and that releasing the trimmers, although giving more speed, will create proportionally more drag and therefore reduce efficiency.

    Would appreciate your thoughts?

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