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Posts posted by notch

  1. Some thoughts (I'm sure many will disagree with these comments, they are just other things to consider, take them or leave them):

    - Don't trust any motor that has been out for less than a year. Because of low volumes, customers end up being the manufacturer's product testers. Manufacturers cannot afford to have 100 engines on the test bench to see what the flaws really are. This has happened on most new motors, regardless of brand.

    - Weight is not everything - frame strength also must be considered. If you are just starting out, get something built like a brick sh&^ house. You will save $$ on props and could also save yourself from nasty injuries.

    - Repair-ability of frames. Most repairable to least repairable: stainless steel, good quality aluminium, titanium, carbon fibre, bad quality aluminum.

    - Spares. Parajet, PAP, Blackhawk, Bailey, Nirvana are well established brands been around for 5+ years. Parajet is probably best availability in UK?

    Could also consider the bailey hornet or Miniplane?

    Sorry, probably confused your decision even more!

  2. Yes the Z1 requires a lead to the battery/controls, which I put in my flight deck or jacket pocket.

    But with the Osmo it is all integrated, meaning you cannot separate the controls and the jiro.

    I dislike having the giro on the head there is a definate risk of lines getting caught during launching & landing. But haven't found a better place for it. Chest mount is a bit limiting.

    Foot mount? Would have to survive a nill wind run...

    Perhaps if you have a hornet engine (no vibes) you could probably mount it to your frame.

    I have tried a number of gimbals, returned most of them and kept the Z1 as it is the best suited to what we do imho.

    now, if only someone made this: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/14 ... a-stabiliz

  3. You are going to need training. Do that first and worry about a wings later.

    I have a Ozone Buzz Power, which is a z4 with trimmers. Excellent for both PG and PPG. Okay a little slow for PPG, but nice and efficient.

    Tandem is pushing it on a single wing.

    IMHO For your first few years in PG, you should be looking at a low ENB, not a high B (like the rush).

    Stick to ozone, gin, nova...

  4. The lever height should be flush with the surrounding area (what the W tool specifies) - I tried different heights and they did not make that much difference to be honest.

    I ended up getting some jewellers files and extending the size of the main jet.

    I also found a whole lot of crud in the valve part of the main jet.

    If you are having issues when you press the throttle from idle to full power, it means your L screw needs opening (counter-clockwise) - try 1/4 of a turn.

    Don't underestimate the effect of the L screw - it makes the whole range of throttle richer or leaner - even the top end.

    If you are still running lean at high throttle openings, then the most likely culprits are an air leak in the crankcase or crap in your carb.

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