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admin (Simon W)

Chief Flying Instructor.
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Everything posted by admin (Simon W)

  1. Olle, PM over your address and I will send one over... I am not sure what has happened to the 'testers' as I still have not had feedback. The School machine is due one, and I am doing some maintenance today so will fit one to that. SW
  2. Just a heads up so that everyone has plenty of notice. Tickets for the Bore Chasers events from now on, will only be available to full PMC members. There are many reasons for this, mainly safety and to control numbers. The main summer fly-in will remain open to all with insurance. You may be able to guess from this that I am already looking into the Spring event and getting things in place SW
  3. We teach all year round Yes there are marginally less days but the good days are amazing days! I will PM you some info over and also take a look at www.paramotortraining.com SW
  4. Welcome to the Paramotor Club! If you are happy to travel to Swindon, (many stay in the hotel and do 2-3 day blocks at a time) then please do give me a call 07983 428 45Three SW
  5. For me at least, this event was the one that I felt the most relaxed at and enjoyed the most During my downtime, I felt very much as though I was 'at the event' as apposed to 'running' the event that can only be thanks to the people who attended!!!! Next one, same place Spring 2019 Field already booked (open ended until tide times come out) SW
  6. Nice one Thanks for getting the Finale cake!! I needed to see that!!! Great vid as always! SW
  7. I am looking forward to you collecting it! ? If your flying home, drop in for some go go juice. SW
  8. Hull Aero Club would be your best bet from Beverley Chat to @Hullaeroparamotorclub who I am sure will help SW
  9. Please do not arrive until Friday morning unless you have spoken to me first. The insurance for the event, and the event licence it's self don't start until Friday. I am super excited at this end!! I do love the bore chasers!!! SW
  10. www.paramotortraining.com Welcome to the Paramotor Club! SW
  11. If we are not too far away for you, please do call We tech all year round (based near Swindon) http://www.paramotortraining.com SW
  12. Not sure, I have asked the same question. I am not the 'thread starter' SW
  13. TO AVOID: If you start to feel the wing 'sliding or slipping' during a tight slow turn, let your brakes up straight away to prevent a spin. TO ENTER (do not do): You would have to slow the wing down considerably using both brakes and then let one of them up to enter a spin. This is not at all an intuitive thing to do for a Paramotor pilot and the situation should be avoided. It's most likely to happen to a Paraglider trying to core a thermal with tight slow turns. SW
  14. Pilot OK? Taking risks that are not thought through in any form of aviation is a fools game and can only end badly. A Wise man once said, There are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no old bold pilots. SW
  15. Many thanks mate. I wish we had your take off and landing on video!!! they were absolutely perfect! SW
  16. We are currently teaching a famous judge... He said that the judge can decide where the money goes... (in fact he was the person that found the loophole) More often than not, it will be a local to the crime charity or a relevant (to the crime) charity. Before this it all went to the .gov pot. SW
  17. I have family in Sacramento.. I will message them and post here the reply SW
  18. Am I correct in thinking that this is an older PAP or HE machine? SW
  19. Hi Guys, as of yet I have had no reports from those testing. (which I am assuming is a good thing) but will chase for some info. SW
  20. Welcome to the Paramotor Club It's well worth checking out the Members map. You can also add a location for yourself. There are a few on there from the USA. https://www.paramotorclub.org/membermap/ SW
  21. Ultimately there is no difference (in the sense that you will learn how to fly) The PMC training offers more time (unlimited, until you get to the end of the course). We teach several people each year who only got 'half way through' the APPI training, so logistics and the weather are both something to think about. Welcome to the Paramotor Club! SW
  22. Well I did at least which is why Gary who has deleted his post was upset. SW :D
  23. They are not illegal to sell or fly (with the correct licence) SW
  24. Gary, that's simply not true. The trike you are flying is illegal. I have explained this to you more than once, the insurance company has explained it to you more than once, and the CAA's message on the subject is super clear, yet you will not hear it and continue to fly it. Why you would expect an instructor to get involved other than to advise against is strange. For the record, ANYONE who wants to learn to fly a trike with us can do so assuming the aircraft is properly classified as a sub70kg! Your attitude is also something that would benefit from some adjustment if your looking for help. You also told me that you were already trained on the trike and wanted insurance... Now it seems, you need training??? so which is it? SW
  25. An All-new XC format for 2018... (Adapted from article published in Skywings, March 2018) For the 2018 British Open and National Paramotor Championships, we present a significant shift in the entire PPG Comps philosophy. We want to offer pilots the opportunity to maximise what they enjoy doing the most, by enabling as much flying time as possible, navigating over a wide area of terrain, supported by an organisational structure to assist with retrieves, refuelling points etc, and with an absolute minimum of rules, restrictions, and lengthy briefings. We want a championship to be perceived as an enjoyable fly-in type event, a gathering of friends to fly together on their own terms, as opposed to a high-intensity and intimidating competition environment. That said, it is still an official national championship, and we therefore also need to ensure that we do have a rule structure that is clearly enough defined to remove any scoring ambiguities and is sufficiently challenging for the team pilots who do want to push their skill level and go on to represent the UK at international championships................ To read more or to register for this visit www.ppgcomps.co.uk SW
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