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admin (Simon W)

Chief Flying Instructor.
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Everything posted by admin (Simon W)

  1. You can also get Insurance via the Paramotor Club, if you have had PMC, BHPA, or APPI training Our policy costs less than AXA by a fair chunk, offers tandem and also covers Paragliding. Long gone are the days of needing to be in the BHPA just for the insurance. SW
  2. until

    Not at all, please do come along SW
  3. Thanks Alan, hi Ash! Please do give me a call at your convenience for a chat . 0798three 428four53 Welcome to the Paramotor Club! SW
  4. until
    PMC Theory Day (a). We will cover: Air Law, Meteorology, Navigation, and the principles of flight and cover the elements listed in the back of your training manuals. Soon after, we will cover the other headings in the manual, Flight systems, Human performance, and go further in to the Navigation and air law subjects. There are a strict 20 places (fire regs) so please only RSVP if you can make it. Please bring £10 if you would like infinite coffee and some lunch. See some of you there!
  5. Had you considered that they may have thought they were going for a nice quiet ballon flight? I always like to say hello to the ballon sorts but tend not to hang around. It also has to be mentioned that there are a few occasions there where you have broken one or two laws during the flight. I don't wish to preach but I also feel it is my duty to make you (and others) aware. On top of all of that.... Is it not time for you to treat yourself to some new warm gloves!! lolol SW
  6. We are currently teaching someone from Wem who has a field for when he is finished. I am not sure if we are the closest but I know we have taught a few others from Shropshire. Sorry for delayed reply. SW
  7. until

    Keep your eyes out for the Spring 2019 event SW
  8. https://www.gumtree.com/p/other-sports-leisure/paramania-revolution-2-wing-paramotor-29-meter/1320682482 just sharing (in case) SW :D
  9. It was not Lambourn 'one' we had 3 there off the top of my head. I honestly don't see what your issue is... You picked the dates, or the farmer or whoever... and it was your call to agree to it, change the site and so on...... if it was a mistake then such is life, we all make them from time to time. You are the event organiser of your event, so organise it as you see fit. I get the clash is not ideal for you but worth remembering that it was not my doing', I have considered the impact on the PMC members and come up with the above solution after speaking with a good few of them. I have had great feedback from them who seem to agree that it's a suitable and fair option. ( we could just not bother with the second event if you would prefer? ) I think you need to relax. SW
  10. Our first fly-in's were at Lambourn in 2010 and before your time Mark, most likely why you don't know about them. We even had T-shirts made "It's the pilots that make the Party" Still have one somewhere I think I have done the best thing for our members that have booked time off already based on the dates. This includes two of our set up and support crew. Also July is a super busy month for me and the only other weekend I could do it would have been in August. We are going to continue with these dates and also have another event (which gives people an option and I think a fair plan) I appreciate the offer of a free pitch. SW
  11. The currently plan is this: We will continue to have the main summer event on the dates we always do BUT We will have another fly-in!! ( An extra one! ) as well after this one. I think that's a win win all round SW
  12. Some of you may have noticed that the Parafest has changed it's dates which now clashes with the historical PMC Summer Fly-in dates of the 2nd weekend in July. I am unsure what the thought process was behind this date change and I am sorry to see that it clashes with our event. It's not good for anyone involved. I guess we will both be having slightly smaller events and one less fly-in in 2019. Because I know that we have many Services guys, who have already booked leave for the PMC event, (as well as many others who require this notice) The PMC will continue to have the Paramotor Club's Main summer event on the same date's as we have for the last 8 years. (12-13-14 July) As always, I hope to see you there, but understand if we don't. I guess it will be a 'best weather' win's lol SW
  13. @richy_b has a Parajet Zenith and transports on a motorbike SW
  14. Good shout!! I was unaware of this... I will share the main link SW
  15. Your more than welcome to visit Membury Nr Swindon any time Just give me a quick call first so I can be there Welcome to the Paramotor Club! SW
  16. Not liking that you can farm e-mail address from that map with ease. I would use a spam email address or think twice about filling in those details. Our's is very secure because of the need for it to be so when giving locations. https://www.paramotorclub.org/membermap/ SW
  17. Welcome to the Paramotor Club We teach ALL YEAR ROUND From Membury Airfield near Swindon, Wiltshire. I noticed you joined the Membury Club so assuming your close to us. Please do call for a chat about our courses. SW 07983 428 453
  18. The link below will take you to an array of detailed info about this https://www.paramotorclub.org/search/?q=Baofeng connector SW
  19. I will send a couple over for you guys to have a play with. SW
  20. Hi @Parviz Daniel welcome to the Paramotor Club. The advert here is from 2013 Here are some that are currently for sale. https://www.paramotorclub.org/classifieds/ SW
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