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Paramotor Club Summer 2024 fly in.


admin (Simon W)
   (0 reviews)
Paramotor Events Calendar

Event details

PMC Summer Fly-in 2024

to RSVP hit the going button on the left (only pilots need to RSVP)

This will be a 'full members only' event upgrade link at the bottom of this description

Situated in a fairly central location 3 miles away from Banbury.

This venue is a field with a decent size take off area and loads of camping room for those with small villages to put up! 

The fire pit will be lit 24-hours a day. (No other fires of any kind allowed

The music will be played at a social volume at social times of the day. 

The Speed bar will be onsite and there are water points. Chill for the weekend and let someone else do the cooking :-)

Dogs 'with owners that pick up!' are welcome, children are welcome.

We hope to see all of the normal faces at this one, there is some added adventure for some of those coming as it's a totally new site with some AMAZING flying opportunities, including Diddly Squat Farm well within flying distance. :-) 

Costs: Full Members £10 for Charity 'please' 

Camping (per tent / camper) £20.

Non Flying Partners £20.

Non members £FULL MEMBERS ONLY 200 max.


Our chosen charity for this event will be: image.png.cdc95850444a0d7525b358e690bf6295.png



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  • Posts

    • I was actually in your location YESTERDAY Oz. I was off to see a friend who lives right on the other side of Salisbury to you, but I can have a chat with him on your behalf in a few days time when I will be back there again. There is also a guy that is a good friend who lives in Shrewton. He has permission to fly from the edge of the airspace.  SW  
    • Thanks Mate! I did think about that, but didn’t wanna be pushy. should be free Sunday, so may well have a drive around.  I’ll print off some pictures maybe so they know what the sport is.    .ga.
    • You have to keep trying. It is one of the bugbears of finding something, preferably local. My tale was quite interesting, apart from the losing permission in the first place. I lost permission on a field I had used for 3 and a half years, due mainly to the owner passing on and the family not wanting the 'hassle', plus a few silly complaints from houses 150m away on a main road. I felt bereft as I didn't have another field so toured around to find something. I even approached the local golf club, after all they have loads of flat open spaces. I spoke with the club secretary, a very helpful woman who knew the area. I explained what I needed but when asked if it would be ongoing I received a no. However she did say if I had connections within MI5 I might have had more luck. When Boris Johnson was PM MI5 contacted the club and told them that Boris's helicopter would be landing at the club. She did however suggest a landowner who keeps a few horses not far away. I replied that paramotors and horses don't mix but called in to the place anyway. When I explained what was needed he said 'oh how about that field over there', turned out it was a field i had had my eye on for a long time. Closer to home as well, bonus.
    • Email is a waste of time, you`ll just get ignored. Face to face is the way to go and a contact within the farm or other connection with the landowner goes a long, long way to getting permission. Knock on doors/visit the farms or keep an eye out for when you might see someone working in the fields. It can be very difficult to find somewhere to fly from...
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